
On 4/13/06, Valery Kondakoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, vim-developers!
>  Please, bring some lite on this topic: is this true, that it is
>  still impossible to print mutibyte textes using (g)Vim 7.0 when you
>  set 'encoding' to 'utf-8'?
>  At least all my experiments were unsuccsessfull. I'm using gVim 7.0d
>  under WinXP SP2.
>  As far as I understand the Vim 7.0d beta available from ftp.vim.org
>  is compiled without postscript support. Is this the reason why
>  multibyte printing is impossible?
>  <grumble>I just can't believe such an advanced editor like (g)Vim just
>  can not provide such an obvious feature like multibyte printing - so
>  you should reopen the textes in Notepad just to print them!</grumble>

According to version7.txt, multi-byte printing is now supported:

Printing multi-byte text                                *new-print-multi-byte*

The |:hardcopy| command now supports printing multi-byte characters.
The 'printmbcharset' and 'printmbfont' options are used for this.
Also see |postscript-cjk-printing|.  (Mike Williams)

- Yegappan

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