Benji Fisher wrote:

>      I am a few days behind:  vim 7.0d (Linux).
>      I have the text "Mary Ellen" and "May 2" in my buffer.  I want to
> type "Mary Ellen" again, so (not noticing the "May 2") I do
> Ma<C-P><C-X><C-P>
> but that gives me
> May 2
> Oops!  So I type <BS> a few times (three, to be exact).  Much to my
> surprise, I get
> May   x=EF=BF=BD>     =10Ma
> (In case it gets garbled in translation, that looks like
> May   x<99>>  ^PMa
> to me.)  When I repeat the experiment, I get different garbage, so I am
> guessing that there is an uninitialized variable here.

I guess the state for adding completion isn't reset properly when you
backspace.  The patch below makes it work better for me.  But I could
not reproduce the "garbage" thus I can't verify that is fixed too.

>      BTW, can someone point me to where it explains what characters get
> me out of completion mode and which do not?  I expected <BS> to do it.

        :help popupmenu-keys

BS is now used to edit the word that is used for selecting matches.
Mostly it's useful to get a different choice of words.  But it also
means you stay in completion mode much longer.

Simplest way to get out of completion is by typing a space.  Then type
backspace if you didn't want a space there.  It's two key strokes, but
still simpler than using some CTRL-key.

*** edit.c~     Thu Apr 13 12:01:51 2006
--- edit.c      Fri Apr 14 10:01:34 2006
*** 2951,2956 ****
--- 2951,2958 ----
        compl_started = FALSE;
        compl_matches = 0;
+       compl_cont_status = 0;
+       compl_cont_mode = 0;
      line = ml_get_curline();

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
81. At social functions you introduce your husband as "my domain server."

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
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