On Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 10:35:30AM +0800, Linsong wrote:

> My main point is: I don't want to select entry in the completion menu by 
> pressing CTRL-N or CTRL-P, instead, I want to input enough characters to 
> make correct entry  become the first entry and it is highlighted, then I 
> can use CTRL-Y(yes, I have mapped <Enter> to CTRL-Y since I am tempted 
> to use <Enter>) to confirm the completion.

Then just :inoremap <C-Y> <C-N><C-Y> 
That should should do what you expect now (untested).

I really disliked old behavior, and think the current completion with
'longest' and ctrl-n is what it should behave like since it's more
logical as you only need <c-x><c-o> and <c-n> and not yet another key like

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