William S Fulton wrote:

> >>>run: gvim .
> >>>on Windows at bottom it will say, eg: "C:\" Illegal file name
> >>>on Solaris and Linux at the bottom it will say, eg: . is a directory
> >>>
> >>>The Unix message is less confusing. Can this for Windows versions as 
> >>>it still occurs in vim7.0f? Same message appears when doing
> >>>:new .
> >>I haven't found any way to avoid these messages with netrw, so it sounds 
> >>like an issue for Bram M.
> > 
> > This is a valid message.  At the moment it's given Vim doesn't know yet
> > (for sure) that some autocommand will kick in to handle it.
> > 
> > You also get the message on Unix if you do ":e dir/".
> > 
> There is also some inconsistency going on here.
> On windows:
> gvim C:\WINDOWS
> gives: "C:\WINDOWS\" illegal file name
> On Linux:
> gvim /usr
> gives: /usr is a directory
> but
> gvim /usr/
> gives "/usr/" illegal filename
> And unfortunately bash command completion results in /usr/ rather than 
> /usr.
>  From a user's point of view it just doesn't seem right if one is using 
> the explorer with a directory list showing and then selecting a 
> directory, the illegal filename message appears. One part of the program 
>   knows the directory is a directory and another part thinks it is a bad 
> file :(

Hey, Unix and MS-Windows ARE different.

What happens here is that on Unix the shell does the wildcard expansion,
while on MS-Windows Vim has to do it by itself.  The rules for wildcard
expansion are complicated, it's not strange that the results differ.
Vim happens to add a slash to a directory name, for various reasons.

If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid
just as it would for a vehicle.
                [real standing law in Florida, United States of America]

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
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