On 2006-05-02, Robert Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > - I'd like to be able to put whatever name I want on the tabs.
> > > There doesn't seem to be a way to do this.  'guitablabel' is an
> > > option *shared* by all tabs, so I can't set one tab to "Work" and
> > > another to "Play" for example, and can only set them to different
> > > names if the names are based on their files etc.  All I want to do
> > > is set the name of each tab to a fixed string.
> > 
> > You can set 'guitablabel' to a function, as shown in the example
> > under ":help setting-guitablabel".  Then you can define a function
> > to do something as a function of the tab number returned by
> > tabpagenr(), such as returning the name of the tab stored in a list
> > indexed by tab number.
> Hmm, good idea.  So maybe it is possible, but still not exactly
> user-friendly or easy.  A per-tab setting similar to 'guitablabel'
> would make things much easier.


> I would probably also only want to set a specific name for some of the
> tabs, leaving the others with the default behaviour.  That would
> require my function to reproduce all the cleverness of the built-in
> behaviour.  Or can I just return an empty string from the function to
> make that happen for selected tabs?

I don't think so.

> Also, depending on the tab number means I can't rearrange the tabs
> without breaking the function.  Whereas I presume per-tab options move
> when their tabs are moved.

All good points.


Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | Wireless Division
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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