Kyle Wheeler wrote:

> Using vim 7.0g, when I try to run :mkspell on a spell file of mine 
> (containing utf-8 characters), I get this:
> Reading word file spellfile.utf-8.add ...
> Conversion in spellfile.utf-8.add not supported: from tf-8 to utf-8
> Compressing word tree...
> Compressed 777 of 1971 nodes; 1194 (60%) remaining
> Compressed 30 of 108 nodes; 78 (72%) remaining
> Writing spell file spellfile.utf-8.add.spl ...
> Done!
> Estimated runtime memory use: 6360 bytes
> The command succeeds, and as far as I can tell the spellfile is 
> correct, but the error at the top about converting from tf-8 to utf-8 
> is worrisome. If it helps, the first line of my spellfile is 
> “/encoding=utf-8”. Anyone know if maybe I’m doing something wrong?

This is a bug.  When skipping over "/encoding=" it skips one character
too much.  I'll fix it.

Oh, your next message has the patch already.  Thanks!

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