On 5/13/06, Georg Dahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm wondering if there were any error messages prior to the ones you
> included, especially ones complaining about not finding perl
> directories or .h files.  It looks like it might be failing in the
> pass where it runs perl on if_perl.xs.  It seems to be most concerned
> about finding ExtUtils in this pass.  I'd look in the makefile, and
> see if the $PERL is set correctly, and it looks like all the paths are
> correct  for your system.

I have checked that (even before writing the report and now again) and
the path seems to be ok, there is no error before that. If I change the
path, I get the error, that EXTERN.h is not found.

I set the path to C:\Perl as in this example of the make file:

# Example: To build the non-debug, GUI version with Perl interface:
#       nmake -f Make_mvc.mak GUI=yes PERL=C:\Perl

To be precise, I set the following:

set PERL=C:\Perl
set PERL_VER=58

In the make file I can see, that this should really be the correct path.
All paths, which are constructed there, do exist with this setting. I
made a full install of ActivePerl, thus, if the distribution of
ActivePerl contains everything, there should not miss anything.

Best wishes,

I'm using Cygwin, so everything's different for my compile.  However,
when I first tried compiling, and it wasn't finding various include
directories  I was getting the same errors as you.  It might be that
any failure of the   .xs   step will cause it to error out this way.

I've attached a if_perl.c that compiled for me.  You might check for

However, your errors are starting with __attribut....   This is
defined in perl's config.h, which is in perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE for me.
It will be different for you, of course.

I think you're likely going to have to fiddle around with adding more
-I/path_to_  lines, since it's possible that the Make file isn't using
the $PERL variable to the full extent necessary.

Attachment: if_perl.c
Description: Binary data

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