A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

Hello, Tony!

I've had several folks having a problem with WinXP and netrw. The problems seem to involve temporary files during attempts to use ftp; since temporary filenames are produced by tempname(), they're o/s dependent. Admittedly without having searched the source, I figure that these temporary files are in fact produced by the C function tmpnam() -- hmm, I did just do that search, and tmpnam() is used. Since that's a C-library function, these temporary files are presumably not only o/s dependent but compiler dependent.

I generally compile my own vim using cygwin+gcc for Windows. I've never seen the problems these folks are having. So, last night I downloaded a copy of your compiled vim (7.0aa, perhaps patched to 213? - I don't recall exactly). I also installed my latest netrw, and used it in a "dos" (cmd.exe) window, and furthermore used "vim -u NONE" (also, set nocp and :so ..path-to-netrwPlugin.vim). I was hoping to finally see these problems, but I still was able to do remote browsing, read&write and Nread&Nwrite without any problems.

So, have you had any issues with remote browsing/ftp with netrw? Do you have any suspicions as to what the problem might be? What compiler do you use?

Thank you,
Chip Campbell

Sorry, Dr. Chip, I can't help you there so I'm referring you to the vim-dev list:

1. As a rule, I don't edit over ftp, I edit my files locally and, when I'm satisfied with the result, I upload them with any available ftp client. If I want to make sure that my files "look all right", I browse them with "my favourite web browser" (both locally with file: and remotely with http: or ftp; )

In essence, that's what netrw supports.

Creation and opening of a temporary zero-length file with a unique name in a given directory is a well-documented system call on Dos-like systems; I wouldn't expect it to be compiler-dependent since the OS explicitly provides it. (I'm not familiar with specific Windows calls but there is a Dos system call for it since Dos 3 or maybe earlier.)

I believe that cygwin does it differently, but even so, there's a possible compiler dependency concerning which directory the temporary file is made.

If it works OK with your latest version of netrw, then maybe the trouble is that the version of netrw distributed with Vim 7.0 is _not_ the latest one?

The latest is v100j, which I've just uploaded to my website. The distributed version is, alas, always likely to not be the latest one, except for a short window of time...

Thank you,
Chip Campbell

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