I'm making a function which moves the mouse pointer using
   gui_mch_setmouse( x, y );

It does set the mouse pointer correctly, but I also end up with a
second pointer, which is maintained at the last position, that I can't
find out how to get rid of.  Changing the "hide" setting, redrawing,
setting mouse shape, etc.
        update_mouseshape( MSHAPE_HIDE);
        mch_set_mouse_shape( MSHAPE_HIDE );
don't help.  Oddly, when I first start Vim, the second pointer isn't
there, but as soon as I start/stop insert or other modes, it appears
and returns every time I set the pointer position.  Something is
fighting me in the code, and it's driving me bonkers!  Growwwl!

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