Please try the netrw v100j from my website: , see "Network Oriented Reading, Writing, and Browsing".

May I ask: Does vimball provide a way to uninstall a vimball? If not, maybe a vimball's contents (or a list of the files created) should be saved in, e.g., ~/.vim/vimballs/NAME.lst so that one could at least feed this file to rm afterwards as in: rm `cat LST`. A :VimballUninstall command would be helpful too. With more complex plugins, it could be necessary to uninstall a vimball before installing a new version in order to avoid zombie files.

I think this would be helpful if vimballs gain ground and when temporarily installing plugins/vimballs that are actually part of the vim standard distribution. Also, this would allow to get a quick overview over installed vimballs (:!ls ~/.vim/vimballs/*.lst).


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