I found that the contents of a particular ordinal tab number was too
fluid to be of much use to me, so I concentrated on making relative
navigation easier, but I could be alone in that.

The way it stands, you can make a macro sequence from inside the script using:

{m}isc menu -> {ma}cro keys

... from key: <S-F1>
... to keys: :1 tabnext<CR>

using the (":" ex command passthrough).

SImilarly, outside the script,

nnoremap <S-F1> :1 tabnext<CR>

accomplishes the same thing.

On 6/8/06, Markus Mottl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 6/8/06, Ilya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is tabs in vim 7.0.  They are almost exactly what you are talking
> about, except that, IIUC, there is no binding to a key.  But it is
> possible, that some scripts could help.
> :help tabpage.txt

Thanks a lot for this hint, this is pretty much what I was looking
for.  I hadn't installed vim 7.0 yet so I didn't know that this
feature is already available.  Great stuff!  Having some default way
to bind tabs to keys (similar to storing buffer positions) would be
great, too, but I'm already quite happy with the current feature.


Markus Mottl        http://www.ocaml.info        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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