Patch (unofficial)
Problem:    OLE & SNIFF enabled gvim crashes on Windows by issuing the
            command :q after 10 minutes
Solution:   Do translate and dispatch all messages. They may be addressed
            to some thread of hidden window created by the os.
Files:      src/gui_w48.c

*** ..\vim-7.0.000\src\gui_w48.c        2006-05-07 16:13:02.000000000 +0200
--- src\gui_w48.c       2006-06-12 12:17:56.160569600 +0200
*** 1664,1670 ****
--- 1664,1674 ----
        /* request is handled in normal.c */
      if (msg.message == WM_USER)
+     {
+       MyTranslateMessage(&msg);
+       DispatchMessage(&msg);
+     }


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