Gary Johnson wrote:

I was following Chip Campbell's advice in the vim list to download v100 of the netrw plugin when I discovered the following undesirable behavior of the gzip.vim plugin. I downloaded netrw.vba.gz, then opened it with

   view netrw.vba.gz

and saw the following messages at the bottom of the screen:

   "netrw.vba.gz" [readonly][noeol] 260L, 67511C
   "~/.vim/netrw.vba" [readonly] 7156L, 274745C
   Source this file to extract it! (:so %)
   Press ENTER or type command to continue

I took a brief look at the file, then closed vim with


When I did an 'ls' of the directory, I discovered that netrw.vba.gz
had been replaced by netrw.vba! I didn't want to unzip the file, only look at it. I believe this is an error in the behavior of the gzip.vim script.
The problem here is :so % doesn't source the buffer, it sources the underlying file. Thus the
file must needs be gunzip'ed first.

Vimball could be set up not to gunzip the file, but then sourcing it would fail.

Chip Campbell

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