Bram Moolenaar wrote:
Mathias Michaelis wrote:

Problem:    Make_mvc.mak creates an empty gvim.exe.mnf file
            (or stops with an error message).
Solution:   Don't use 'echo' to create files. Use inline files
Files:      src/Make_mvc.mak
This has always worked just fine.  When does it fail?

The gvim.exe.mnf always was empty -- but as George Reilly (who made
the skipt) told me, it is only used for 64-Bit Windows.

Strange, the echo commands for the pathdef.c file have always worked just
On the other hand, the error message ("FATAL error: echo returned
'1'") was only issued from time to time, depending on the commands I
typed in before. However, the message appeared in a reproducible
manner if I issued the nmake command from within a BATCH file.

This smells like a bug in nmake.

I checked the documentation of nmake from VC 8.0 (VS 2005) and from
VC 6.0 to see if inline files can be handled. Since it is possible
and since I can compile Vim _only_ like that, I'm pretty sure this
patch facilitate the life of many users.

My environment: Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition.

C:>cmd -version
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

C:>nmake /?
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 8.00.50727.42
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Before including this change I would have to check the file still works
with old versions of MSVC.  I still need to use 4.1 to be able to
generate a win32s version.

        echo string1 >  file
        echo string2 >> file
        echo string3 >> file

ought to work, _except_ when the string is (ignoring case) ON OFF or empty (in which case you will set, clear or display the echo on/off setting instead of writing / appending to the file). People were using it in batch files in Dos from time immemorial, with shells which didn't know about inline documents.

Best regards,

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