
In Make_mvc.make there is such a sequence of characters that is understood ok by make but, because of a rough syntax definition, vim treats this sequence as a start of a character literal and highlights half of the file as a string. Fixing this issue inside syntax definition is not that easy, but Make_mvc.mak could be fixed just by adding a comment with additional " in it.
*** Make_mvc.mak        26 Apr 2006 23:50:26 -0000      1.33
--- Make_mvc.mak        24 May 2006 22:26:41 -0000
*** 960,966 ****

  # $CFLAGS may contain backslashes and double quotes, escape them both.
  E0_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS:\=\\)
! E_CFLAGS = $(E0_CFLAGS:"=\")

  $(PATHDEF_SRC): auto
        @echo creating $(PATHDEF_SRC)
--- 960,966 ----

  # $CFLAGS may contain backslashes and double quotes, escape them both.
  E0_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS:\=\\)
! E_CFLAGS = $(E0_CFLAGS:"=\") #"

  $(PATHDEF_SRC): auto
        @echo creating $(PATHDEF_SRC)

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