Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Soon-Ping Phang wrote:
>> I'm trying to determine whether I should submit a bug
>> report for a problem I encountered or if one was
>> already submitted.
>> Basically, I'm finding that if I paste a long line of
>> text (4650+ characters) into an 80x25 Vim window (v7.0
>> on WinXP), and then, while leaving the cursor at the
>> end of the line, maximize the window, Vim crashes.
>> Has anyone encountered this before?
> I don't think this was reported before.  Please describe the environment
> in which this happens.  Preferably without any personal settings, start
> Vim with "-u NONE".

I experienced this too, some time ago, but didn't worry because I rarely
work with such long lines.  At least on my system I can reproduce this
with 7.0 on my Windows XP box.

Start gvim
    gvim -u NONE

Insert 5000 characters, e.g. '-'
    5000 i - <ESC>

Vertically enlarge the window about 10 lines.

That's it.
    Unhandled exception at 0x0041226d in gvim.exe: 0xC0000005: Access
violation writing location 0x734b490a.


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