Dear Bram, dear Tony

sorry for responding so late -- since I have a job, I run out
of time very often. Maybe I am not making enough use of all the
possibilities of vim ...

>>> I inspected if_perl.xs and if_perl.c and saw that xsubpp simply removed
>>> preprocessor directives such as
>>>> !     #ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
>>> out of the code without really make a decision between the #if or #else:
>>> Both parts were left.
>> I missed this, it compiles OK for me even though the code is wrong.
>> Note that I put some white space before the # to make it work for me.
I noted the space: Alas, xsubpp does not :-(

>>> I then found
>> But that mentions that the preprocessor directives are passed on
>> unmodified...  That isn't so, this documentation is wrong.
Maybe, I misunderstood the documentation and, based on this,
did something that worked. But I thought that this statement
is valid only before the "MODULE line" -- before the line
that much the regular expression


After that line, the text that begins with

   "If you use preprocessor directives to choose one of two
    versions of a function [...]"

becomes valid.

>> Your solution to duplicate the functions is not nice.
Yes, it's not nice, it's only a work around until a better
solution is found.

> Compiling on SuSE 9.3 with gcc 3.3.5 20050117 (prerelease), I also get 
> no messages for if_perl although the # lines are removed and both 
> branches (before and after #else) passed on.
The code that results if the directives are cancelled is
valid C++, but is not valid C. Maybe that this is the
crucial point.

> I notice that # directives of all kinds are passed on unmodified 
> elsewhere in the code; but they have the # in column 1 (sometimes with 
> spaces after the #). There is also one "# string" in a /* comment */ 
> which is passed on OK. Maybe xsubpp doesn't recognise lines with spaces 
> before # as 'preprocessor directives' to be passed on?
I think this is not the point. Since I have no time for
quickly trying things out, I can only tell about my

Before the "MODULE line" (see above), # directives are passed
unmodified, after that "MODULE line" they are interpreted by xsubpp.

My suggestion is to pass the if_perl.xs file first though a C
preprocessor, and only after that through xsubpp.

If the preprocessor disturb the format of if_perl.xs too much
so it can't be parsed by xsubpp anymore, I would try something

rename if_perl.xs to if_perl.xs.orig
pre-process if_perl.xs.orig to if_perl.xs.pp
copy lines before "MODULE line" from f_perl.xs.orig to if_perl.xs
add  lines after  "MODULE line" form if_perl.xs.pp  to if_perl.xs
xsubpp if_perl.xs

But this are only my speculations ...

Best regards


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