On Fri, Aug 11, 2006 at 08:43:10AM +0200, jandl wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> I have 2 problems with gvim
> 1/ when I start gvim in Windows XP (double click on icon), gvim opens
> without invoking the _gvimrc.vim. I have _gvimrc.vim located in
> c:\programs\vim. I have also tried to put _gvimrc.vim into
> c:\programs\vim\vim70 but it was not automatically started from there
> either.
> 2/ I am using gvim for edition my latex files and have the Latex-Suite
> as an add-in. That has generated some conflict: whenever I press a '.'
> I get '<C-R>=<SID>SmartDots()<CR>'.
> Here is my _gvimrc.vim:
> [snip]
> " To use it, copy it to
> "     for Unix and OS/2:  ~/.gvimrc
> "           for Amiga:  s:.gvimrc
> "  for MS-DOS and Win32:  $VIM\_gvimrc

As your _gvimrc says, there should be no ".vim" extension on your
_gvimrc (or _vimrc). :)  That will fix 1).

As for 2), you may have to edit the plugin to change that mapping so it
doesn't override a normal Vim command.

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