I think I've uncovered an odd bug involving Netrw and the cindent local buffer option for Java files, where cindent is unset under certain conditions.

To track down the bug I removed all my Java file type plugins and created a new Java file type plugin called java.vim which contains only the following:

if exists("b:did_java_vim")
let b:did_java_vim = 1
setlocal cindent

There are two scenarios that can reproduce the bug:

Scenario #1
1. Start vim in a dir with Foo.java
2. :E and select Foo.java
3. :setl  cindent is set.
4. :E and select Foo.java again.
5. :setl and cindent is not set.

Scenario #2
1. Start vim in a dir with Foo.java and Bar.java
2. :E and select Foo.java
3. :setl  cindent is set.
4. :E and select Bar.java
5. :setl  cindent is set.
6. :2b to return to Foo.java
7. :setl and cindent is not set.

It seems the the bug involves Netrw, I can't reproduce it when I open files with :e.

Quite a puzzler. Can anyone else reproduce this one?

Thanks in advance,

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