On Thu, 2006-09-07 at 08:13 +0200, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
> scott wrote:
> > ok, so help me out here
> > 
> > i've looked at filetype vim, and i see nothing that associates
> > _.txt modules with ft=txt
> > 
> > whether i enter my 'ai' modules with the script or by navigating
> > to where they are and, with my bloody fingers typing 'gvim
> > ai_200609.txt', still, inside the module, filetype is undefined
> > 
> > are we only supposed to use vim for exotic languages?  
> > 
> > is 'text' deprecated?
> > 
> > i thought it used to suffice to have an extension of .txt
> > 
> > now the ground is shifting under my feet...
> > 
> > sc
> > 
> > 
> As far as I rember checking, *.txt was associated with nothing so it was 
> edited as, basically, free text with just a single B&W set of fg/bg 
> colors, no auto-linebreak etc.
> There is an autocommand in the vimrc_example.vim which sets 'textwidth' 
> to 78 (causing auto-linebreak at column 78) for any files with "text" 
> filetypes.
> If you want to detect *.txt, you can:
> ----8<---- ~/.vimrc
> " ...
> runtime vimrc_example.vim
> au! vimrcEx FileType
> " ...etc.
> ---->8----
> ----8<---- ~/.vim/filetype.vim
> augroup filetypedetect
>      " ... etc ...
>      au BufRead,BufNewFile *.txt setf text
>      " ... etc ...
> augroup END
> ---->8----
> then write your own scripts:
>      ~/.vim/ftplugin/text.vim (for local options using ":setlocal" 
> and/or mappings/abbreviations using ":map <buffer>", ":abbr <buffer>" etc.),
>      ~/.vim/syntax/text.vim (for syntax colouring if any: ":syntax" and 
> ":hi default" commands)
>      ~/.vim/indent/text.vim (for special indenting if any: probably 
> ":setlocal indentexpr" to a function defined there).
> (on Windows, replace /.vim/ by /vimfiles/ and .vimrc by _vimrc)
> Best regards,
> Tony.

excuse me

this transcends ridiculous

i am editing text, and i have gone around the bend to tell vim
that i am doing so

to have to create an entire "text" syntax, where NOTHING HAPPENS,
seems against every premise that vim was built on

why do i have to be surprised by 'cindent' when i am editing text?
it is, after all, text, and i went out of my way to define these
modules with the .txt extension, even here in linux -- specifically
so he'd know

why would cindent kick in if i'm not editing c?

now you say *.txt is associated with nothing -- that goes far to
explain why my search in filetype.vim for 'txt' was so fruitless,
thank you

i don't remember having this problem before -- before what exactly
i'm not sure -- but i've been surprised with indenting behavior enough
to go out of my way to turn every indenting feature off i can find,
but still i get surprises

now cindent is off, maybe i can still work...tab is easy to hit...

forgive me, i have no bottom line -- no idea what i'm saying --
i'll shutup now


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