Bram Moolenaar wrote:
Tony Mechelynck wrote:

Bug? With

        gvim -o3 file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt

only the first two are displayed in a window. (All 3 files exist.)

The arguments list is OK, since

        :bot new

opens the 3rd file in a 3rd window.

If the line

        set noea wmh=0 wh=99999 hh=99999

(in my vimrc) is changed to

        au VimEnter * set noea wmh=0 wh=99999 hh=99999

(with no other changes in the vimrc), Vim opens all three windows at startup. I suspect that the test for "is there enough space?" in the handling of the -o command-line argument erroneously tests &winheight instead of &winminheight.

This is vim 7.0.97 (Huge, for GTK2/Gnome).

'winheight' defines the minimal space for the current window.  This is
taken into account when computing the number of windows opened for the
"-o" argument.  Vim thinks you want one window with 'winheight' lines,
nothing else fits if it's a big number.  I think this is correct
behavior.  It's also documented in the help for 'winheight'.

'winminheight' defines the minimal space for any window; it is a hard minimum. 'winheight' defines the "desired" minimal space for the current window; it is not a hard minimum. Splitting a window will fail if it would make all windows smaller than &wmh; it won't if it would only make the current window smaller than &wh.

Setting 'wh' to a high value (and 'wmh' to zero) is documented as a way to always make the current window as big as possible (what I call Rolodex Vim). It is not meant to forbid splitting, and indeed it doesn't. With 'wh' set to 99999 it is clear that I will never get a window that high; yet it is (IMHO) a useful setting.

That ":all" won't open more than two windows if 'wh' is very large is documented under 'winheight', and 'winheight' is referenced under |:all|. There is no mention of |-o| under either 'winheight' or |:all|, nor is there mention of 'winheight' or |:all| under |-o|. In retrospect, and after reading your reply above, it is understandable that |-o| has some of the properties of |:all|, though (unlike |:all| IIUC) it will open more windows than files if the numeric argument is large enough.

But even the fact that it is documented (for |:all|, not for |-o|) doesn't make this behaviour logical or desirable: - Why will "-o3" (and, I presume, ":all 3") open a second window, but not a third one, if the first one is _already_ smaller than 'winheight'? - The fact that |-o| and |:all| won't allow as many splits as (repeated invocations of) |:new| is IMHO a misfeature.

If you won't agree, well, you're the boss I guess. At least I have found a workaround (for versions with +autocmd).

Best regards,

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