I see a case in which winrestview() work incorrectly after PageDown
near end-of-file. (This is in the context of scrollfix plugin.)

To reproduce:

% vim -u NONE -c 'so x.vim'    # x.vim is below
:help help            " have some text
:set nu                " see line numbers
press seevral ArrowDown to see how x.vim works, works OK, cursor is on 5th line
G                      OK, cursor is on 5th line
    -- now this seems to be a bug, cursor is at top line instead of 5th line
:echo g:last     "  g:last shows how the last winrestview() was performed
{'lnum': 7336, 'leftcol': 0, 'col': 1, 'topfill': 0, 'topline': 7332,
'coladd': 0, 'skipc
ol': 0, 'curswant': 1}
NB: 'topline' is 7332 but winrestview() incorrectly ignored the 'topline'.

The same wrong behaviour can be observed even with small 3-line file.

---------------------- x.vim -------------------------
:let g:scroll_fix=5
:let so=0

aug scrollfix
   au CursorMoved * :call ScrollFix()
aug END

function! ScrollFix()
   if g:scroll_fix==0 | return | endif
   if &so!=0 | set so=0|endif

   " keep cursor on fixed visual line of the window

   let dict = winsaveview()
   if dict['lnum'] <= g:scroll_fix | return | endif
   if dict['lnum'] - dict['topline'] + 1 == g:scroll_fix | return | endif
   let dict['topline'] = dict['lnum'] - g:scroll_fix + 1
   let g:last = dict
   call winrestview(dict)

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