[cross-posting to connect threads]

On Thu, 2006-10-05 at 10:04 +1000, Robbie Gates wrote:
> Hi All,
> i was having problems with gvim hanging when i tried to edit my
> vimrc.
> After a bit of sleuthing, i tracked it down to has("tcl") hanging
> (called from syntax/vim.vim).

It appears your post and one on the vim list are related:


I'm not on a Windows box tonight to track this down, can anyone help
us figure out if this is in the binary or runtime?

1. Verify syntax/vim.vim is not corrupt

2. Test the binary:

     :echo has("tcl")

Greg, do you have Cygwin installed?

Interesting that this just cropped up twice in two hours, these
packages have been downloaded nearly 300 times over 8 days.

Steve Hall  [ digitect dancingpaper com ]

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