Bill McCarthy wrote:
On Sun 8-Oct-06 7:39pm -0600, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Bill McCarthy wrote:
On Sun 8-Oct-06 5:42pm -0600, Alexey I. Froloff wrote:

When "current" version of vim runtime will be updated for latest
patches?  Patch 111 modifies autoload/gzip.vim and doc/eval.txt
which are still outdated on ftp...
The gzip.vim is clearly old, but comparing (vimdiff) the
eval.txt on the FTP site to the patch version on CVS, they
both share the same internal date of 22-Sep-2006 yet the one
on the FTP site looks newer.

I generally find it easier to ignore the patches to runtime
files and, instead, rely on the FTP site for those.  They
are usually updated fairly quickly.

After checking, the "new" versions of the files mentioned in patch 111 agree
with the latest versions I downloaded from the rsync server, except that the
gzip.vim lacks the new datestamp (the rest of the file is OK though.)

After deleting gzip.vim and performing a copy update from
the ftp site, the gzip.vim downloaded is older.  It will not
use the new shellescape function.  It has this logic:

  if v:version > 700 || (v:version == 700 && has('patch999'))
    return shellescape(a:name)

The patched version on the CVS, has the same code but the
has() has:


so it will use the new function.

I suggest the attached patch, to test function existence directly, rather than patch number.

Best regards,
*** runtime/autoload/gzip.vim.orig	Mon Oct  9 11:59:07 2006
--- runtime/autoload/gzip.vim	Mon Oct  9 11:59:07 2006
*** 176,183 ****
  fun s:escape(name)
!   " shellescape() was added by patch 7.0.999
!   if v:version > 700 || (v:version == 700 && has('patch999'))
      return shellescape(a:name)
    return "'" . a:name . "'"
--- 176,182 ----
  fun s:escape(name)
!   if exists("*shellescape")
      return shellescape(a:name)
    return "'" . a:name . "'"

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