Many windows apps support a clipboard pasting format of HTML. This is
how you can copy code in Visual Studio 2005 and paste it into outlook
and see syntax highlighting.

I recommend something similar be done for VIM. Today, we have toHTML,
that's reasonable, but ideally we'd able to yank as HTML. I've created
a patch that can yank HTML to the clipboard as type HTML. I don't
think this patch should be submitted, instead used by the person
considering this feature request.

Ideally this patch will be extended to allow the user to decide to :

a) yank text , convert it to HTML, and have show up as type HTML.
b) yank HTML, and have it have it show up as type HTML
c) yank text, and have it show up as HTML

My patch only implements 'b'


Attachment: paste_html_to_clipboard_win32.diff
Description: Binary data

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