Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:
Maurí­cio wrote:

I change my .vimrc very often, and I use vim
in many computers. The result is that my changes
are not always updated to all computers.

Is it possible to ask vim to update its
.vimrc from an URL, like an FTP address?

With v108c, netrw can source remote files. You can get v108c from my website:

With vim 7.0 and official patches 1-182, vim will emit an error message (but works anyway) when sourcing a remote file. With the same plus the patch to vim's source at, no error message gets issued. The patch at my website provides a new autocmd event: SourceCmd, which netrw will take advantage of if present.

OK, with all that:

vim -U NONE -c "set nocp|so $HOME/.vim/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim" -c "so scp://HOSTNAME/.vimrc"


 (a) avoid attempting to source in any local .vimrc
 (b) source in netrwPlugin.vim from $HOME/.vim/plugin
 (c) source in the remote .vimrc via scp, presumably on HOSTNAME.

Chip Campbell

Rather than "-U NONE" (i.e., no gvimrc) shouldn't that be -u NORC (i.e., with small u: don't source $HOME/.vimrc but do source the global plugins)? I suggest the amended command-line below (with --cmd for early sourcing):

vim -u NORC -N --cmd "runtime plugin/netrwPlugin.vim" --cmd "source scp://HOSTNAME/.vimrc"

Best regards,

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