Alexei Alexandrov wrote:

> Here is a patch for make_mvc.mak file which is used to build Vim on
> Windows. The changes are the following:
> 1. I had to add "!undef NODEBUG" in one place to make debug
> configuration working as needed. Before this change the debug
> configuration did the same as release.
> 2. /ZI (not /Zi) should be used in debug configuration. /ZI creates
> much more useful PDB - with just /Zi you will not be able to look at
> the values of variables which are currently in registers. Because of
> adding /ZI I had to remove /incremental:no from linker flags (don't
> know exact implications of this - probably it's good idea to still
> have it in release configuration).
> 3. I removed /nodefaultlib switch whenever possible. Having it is a
> bad idea by itself - often indicates a dangerous CRT mix. I removed
> /nodefaultlib to support Intel Compiler, in fact. Now I can use just
> command
> nmake -f Make_mvc.mak ... CC=icl
> to compile Vim with Intel Compiler. With /nodefaultlib it won't work,
> because Intel Compiler adds to object files information about
> additonal static library which executable need to link with. Of
> course, it can be solved by checking "if it's Intel Compiler then link
> with this addditional library", but avoiding /nodefaultlib is a good
> idea anyway.

With Make_mvc.mak we have had many problems with fixes for one system
that break it for another system.  Thus I'm asking everybody to test
this first.

>From "know your smileys":
 :.-(   Crying

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