Ian Tegebo wrote:
I followed the instructions at:


and that installation yielded a vim without perl support. After looking at:


It seems like adding several flags shouldn't be that hard; I could even imagine
that recipe files have already been written for this. Any recommendations?

I don't use A-A-P; I compile make as a distinct step, and it has (since before Vim 7 alpha even existed) allowed me to compile Vim versions with all four of perl, python, ruby and TCL together. Of course you need the required interpreter(s) installed on your system (with "development" packages if compiling on Linux).

See my "howto" pages at:
- for Unix/Linux: http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/vim/compunix.htm
- for Windows:    http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/vim/compile.htm

I believe you should be able to get inspiration from them to get your Vim source upgrades by A-A-P (or otherwise) and compile Vim manually with whichever features you want, including interpreted languages if you want them.

For Windows, see also https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=43866&package_id=39721 where Steve Hall keeps precompiled Vim distributions with periodic upgrades: as I'm writing this, the latest patchlevel there is 7.0.215. Although this page is part of the "Cream (for Vim)" project, the distributions on this particular page are plain-vanilla vim/gvim with all "standard" runtime files but without Vim. The ":version" text for its gvim 7.0.215 is at https://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?group_id=43866&release_id=492211 It includes (among others) +mzscheme/dyn +perl/dyn +python/dyn +ruby/dyn +tcl/dyn.

Best regards,
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