This mail bounced off for some reason, I'm repeating it. Sorry if you've
already got this.


Hi Bram, Nikolai, All,

I think the best way to understand current implementation of regxp is to
first go through Henry Spencer's original regxp implementation ( thanks
nikolai ). It's very compact and easy to mess with. After that, I think
would be able to come up with a hack to include new code into vim's
code base (  either TRE or our own implementation ). By the way, I have
decided to apply for the GSoc ( I beleive I can crack this with the help
all of you  ). I'm really greateful for the help provided by Nikolai and
Bram, Thank you very much!

ps : even if I'm not selected, I would still like to contribute to this
project... :-)

- Asiri

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