Thomas wrote:

When I use the following command (for demonstration purposes):

au CursorMoved * norm! zz

When I now press <s-c-left> or <s-c-right>, zz get inserted in the buffer.

These cursor key seem to be set by :behave mswin.

In summary:
:au CursorMoved * norm! zz
:behave mswin
Press <s-c-left> or <s-c-right>
zz gets inserted.

Is there a work-around?


":behave mswin" only sets a few options, but it is often used in conjunction with ":source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim", which sets a lot of potentially dangerous mappings.

Search your vimrc


and remove the line, or comment it away. Is the result better?

Best regards,
Scientists are people who build the Brooklyn Bridge and then buy it.
                -- William Buckley

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