Peter Michaux wrote on April 15, 2007 

  > I like VIM. I want to use VIM as my everyday editor. I even
  > spent a frustrating week trying to determine if VIM could
  > replace Textmate as my main editor. VIM is very good for
  > working with a single file but the concept of a project is not
  > really there.

  If the user has a certain concept of a "project" vim gives him
  many ways to implement that concept. But it is up to him to work
  at defining the concept and using some language (vimL, perl or
  python) to implement it.

  > I looked at plugins, talked with people in #vim about plugins
  > and how to extend VIM.

  A few others have implemented their idea of a "project" and
  offered their work to others as plugins at 

  > I figured it would probably take a year of spare time for me to
  > learn how and then write the plugin 

  Too bad that none of their idea of a "project" matches yours!
  > to do what Textmate can do with respect to projects right when
  > it is installed: a project drawer, project tabs, multiple open
  > projects, project-wide search and selective replace. And now I
  > see that VIM doesn't need more features...

  The preceding shows you have trouble reading -- that page has a
  link to a "voting page", which page lists certain core features
  that could be added to vim.  If your investigation into plugins
  was as casual as your reading of the above link, then your efforts
  at finding and evaluating existing plugins in relation to your
  notion of a project are likely to have been botched!
  > Darn.
  > Peter

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