Виктор Кожухаров wrote:

I think there might be a bug with vim7, and they way it handles the
arrow keys in a terminal.
The problem is, that in insert mode, the arrow keys don't navigate
through the text, but output letters. For example, pressing <Up> in
insert mode would do the equivalent of OA<Esc> in normal mode. All the
arrow keys are printing the letters that are part of their escape codes
in the line above the current one.
Also, the reason I think this is a bug is that, on the same machines,
vim6 works correctly. the TERM variable is set to xterm in both the
terminal and in vim, and this behaviour occurs in any terminal.
Furthermore, none of the timeout options have any effect on this
Vim has been compiled with +terminfo and +termresponse against

Don't you have one version compiled with +terminfo and the other with -terminfo?

Are both versions running with the same value of 'ttybuiltin'?

Is 'term' left at its default?

Try the following in both versions:

        :echo has("terminfo")
        :set term? ttybuiltin?

Each of the above might explain (with a badly-set-up system) the difference in behaviour you're seeing.

Also, does it get better or worse if you run vim7 or vim6 (try both) as

        vim -u NONE -N

to avoid loading the vimrc, gvimrc and plugins?

Best regards,
"If a camel flies, no one laughs if it doesn't get very far."
                -- Paul White

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