java will have to do whatever any other application may do, without special knowledge about Vim. ... There's nothing Vim-specific there.
Up to now jVi does exactly as you say. But now I want to get hold of the "structure" of a VIsual area, so a block paste can be implemented. In os_win32.c there is
   clip_star.format = RegisterClipboardFormat("VimClipboard2");
   clip_star.format_raw = RegisterClipboardFormat("VimRawBytes");
In java I've registered "VimClipboard2", but I'm not picking it up. The name I'm using may not the right one, possible there's some translation going on. I've no experience with windows system programming. Or the java code is not quite right. I'm pursuing the java side.

I'm wondering if any vim developers know the exact string that VimClipboard2 shows up as if you asked windows what formats were available.


A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
Ernie Rael wrote:
Hi all,
I've just joined this list. I'm not a vim developer per se. However, I put together jVi, , whose core is a port of some of vim to java. It runs on NetBeans ( and JBuilder, but not supported any more). jVi is based on vim-5.6.

A jVi user has added visual char/line and is now tackling block. So now I want to setup access to the *real* vim clipboard, so blockmode paste works between vim and jVi. So I'm learning how to access "native" data formats in clipboard from java.

I couldn't get anything to work, so I looked at the vim7 source, couldn't find windows source (I run cygwin, but not cygwin's vim, at home). I downloaded extras. I now see that the clipboard name has changed to VimClipboard2, and there's a whole lot more... So I changed the name, but still no luck. I thought I'd ping this list in case anyone has accessed the vim clipboard from java or has some clues.

As an experiment I'm doing
 public static final String VIM_CLIPBOARD2 = "VimClipboard2";
ViManager.VIM_CLIPBOARD2, Misc.VimClipboardDataFlavor.get()); and the other way around. But after a paste into jVi from vim the DataFlavor I've defined is not available.

Any clues?

In os_mswin.c it looks like VimClipboard2 is always made available, so it should be there somewhere.

Once I get something working, I'll look at doing all the various encodings... based on VimClipboard2. Or maybe, I'll use VimClipboard2 just to find out if it is MCHAR/MLINE/MBLOCK. Then go to the regular DataFlavors to pick the string type I'm looking for.


IIUC, there is no specific interface between Vim and java, so java will have to do whatever any other application may do, without special knowledge about Vim.

Whatever gvim writes to the + register is available in the system clipboard, just as if you'd used "Edit => Copy" in just about any application. There's nothing Vim-specific there.

Best regards,

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