Michael Wookey wrote:
Hello vim list,

I've just synced up to 7.1a.001 (svn #263) and built on Win32 (MSVC).

Everything builds fine and I replace my previous gvim.exe and vim.exe
with the newly built versions.  I also sync my runtime from

My vim installation is in:

My config is in:


Additional plugins are in:

This has always worked fine as this is the structure set up by the vim
win32 installer.

I now find that launching gvim/vim doesn't find my _vimrc or my vimfiles
runtime.  I can get it to load my _vimrc by moving it to:


However my runtime isn't picked up as :scriptnames doesn't list any
plugins loaded.

Is it just me or has something broken win32 vim?  My previous sync was
svn#254 (Vim 7.0.236) with a runtime sync from the same time and
everything was fine.

Any ideas?

Make sure that VIMRUNTIME is _not_ defined in your environment (in XP or later: Control Panel => System => Adevanced => Environment variables; there are two sets, one for "all users" and one specific to your login name). VIM may be either undefined or set at C:\Vim; NOT at C:\Vim\Vim70 unless your distribution is in C:\Vim\Vim70\Vim70 (7.0) and/or C:\Vim\vim70\Vim71a (7.1), both of which are quite "atypical" to say the least.

Your (user) _vimrc can be either in $HOME (wherever Vim sets it) or, on a single-user system only, in $VIM. The problem with the latter is that it's the same for all users (all login names).

At Vim startup, if VIM and VIMRUNTIME are both undefined, and (g)vim was loaded from C:\Vim\vim71a\, that directory will become $VIMRUNTIME and its parent will become $VIM. Vim will then look for runtime files there and in its subfolders.

1. I don't think you can use the same server to rsync your 7.1 runtimes as your 7.0: it would pick the 7.0 files, including help files with 'For Vim 7.0" in their first line. AFAICT, the 7.1 runtimes consist of those distributed for 7.1a.000 plus one modification in the latest patch. Couldn't find anything else at ftp.vim.org. 2. The parent of the src/ and runtime/ (and a few other) directories from yource source 7.1 distro should be named vim71a (which is where the archives unpack to) to avoid conflict with the 7.0 source. The first 7.0 compile MUST be from scratch, then you may compile only the changes but only if your featureset stays the same (e.g. big, +gui +ole +perl/dyn +python/dyn -ruby -tcl -mzscheme +multibyte_ime/dyn etc...). To force a full rebuild, use "make -f <makefile name> clean" or "make -f <makefilename> distclean" prior to rebuilding. 3. For more details, see http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/vim/compile.htm but replace "vim70" (wherever it appears) by "vim71a".

Best regards,
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.
                -- Derek Bok, president of Harvard

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