Hi Paul,

this does not address your original question, and in fact I would like to see biber supported by vim-latex, but if you are good with using bibtex8 with biblatex then you can just add this line to your .vimrc:

autocmd FileType tex let g:Tex_BibtexFlavor='bibtex8 -H'

and biblatex will compile. Of course if you need a specific feature of biber this won't help you much, but I thought it might be useful anyway for the other people who want to switch to biblatex.



On 06/07/2013 08:28 PM, Paul Gesting wrote:
I would like to be able to use the biblatex package with vim-latex. Specifically, biblatex uses biber by default as the bibliography backend (and not bibtex). Biber runs on the .bcf file and not the .bib. Both bibtex and the .bib file seem to be hard coded in vim-latex in latex-suite/texrc and latex-suite/compiler.


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