On 2006-04-11, James Oliver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One difference to Vim 6.4 (from the Debian Etch) I found is the
> behavior with visual selections. When I selected syntax highlighted
> text with Vim 6.4 the selected text was black/white. With Vim 7.0(c|d)
> (compiled by myself) this has changed to be also colorful. That way
> it's very hard/impossible for me to read. Screenshots are at
> http://dirowsd.tripod.com/vim/vim-highlighting.html
> Is there any way to change this?

I also found visually-selected text to be impossible to read
with vim-7.0b.  I had also been using vim-6.4.  I was about to 
submit a bug report when I realized that ever since I started using 
vim with a 16-color xterm, with white text on a black background, I 
had left 'background' set to "light".  At this point, fixing that 
won't be easy, so I worked around it for now by adding this to my

    if v:version >= 700
        highlight clear Visual
        highlight Visual term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse guifg=Grey 

I just copied the vim-6.4 highlight values by running vim-6.4,
executing ":hi", and copying the Visual row into my ~/.vimrc,
followed by a little editing.


Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | Wireless Division
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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