On Tue, Apr 11, 2006 at 01:06:11PM +0200, Christoph Nodes wrote:
> > >
> > > Is there a way to avoid that the changes a specific command makes
> > > are added to the undo history. I am missing something like
> > > histdel("undo", -1).  "Set undolevels = -1" is no choice since I
> > > don't want to lose the changes I made before.
> The reason for my question is our way of handling the
> "Gtk-Utf-8-String-problem": Gtk-2.0 functions take UTF-8-encoded
> strings as arguments. For constant strings coded into the source code
> this can be a problem if you use characters not included in the ascii
> character set and you don't want to have UTF-8-encoded source files.
> Our way is to let vim do the encoding and call a vim function on every
> BufReadPost and BufWritePre event that uses iconv() to convert these constant
> strings. These changes however, are changes that we don't want to undo/redo.
> Christoph

     If you are using vim 7.0 (still in beta testing), then you may be
able to accomplish what you want with :undojoin .

:help :undojoin

HTH                                     --Benji Fisher

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