Bill Pursell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 2006.04.14 11:05:34:
> On my first job, my supervisor described a problem they were
> having with their database files.  The issue arose from the
> fact that integer values were sometimes stored rationally (as
> 32-bit quantities), and sometimes stored as character strings.
> The proposed solution was to always store them as character
> strings.  Although that strikes me as a bizarre solution, the
> worst part was his description of the problem.  He said something
> along the lines of, "sometimes our numbers are stored in this
> weird format", by which he was referring to the concept of
> binary representation of numbers.  He didn't understand the
> basic concept of counting in base 2. How can a person working
> professionally with a computer not understand something so
> fundamental?

A bit off-topic, but I tend to have the similar feeling 5 years ago.

At that time I insist using 32-bit quantities to save integer numbers
inside database. And the attempt to store the numbers as character string
sounds absurd to me...

But now, I found that the proposed solution of "store all of them as
character strings" is really a sensible one.

The reason is still: transparancy, platform-independent, something that the
"The Art of Unix Programming" has encouraged.

Pan, Shizhu. ext: 2221

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