Thanks for the quick help. Here are the answers to the checklist:

> 1.  Your terminal emulator must support color.
>     -   Does the terminal show colors for other applications?
Yes, it shows colors for 'ls -- color'

> 2.  The TERM environment variable must be set to the type of
>     terminal emulator you are using.
>     -   From a shell prompt, what does
>             echo $TERM
>         show?
$TERM = xterm

> 3.  The terminfo database for $TERM must be correct and must
>     indicate that the terminal supports color.
>     -   From a shell prompt, if you execute
>             infocmp
>         or
>             untic
>         (depending on your flavor of Unix) you should see some
>         cryptic looking stuff including "colors#8," "colors#16," or
>         "colors#256" in the second or third line.  If you don't,
>         then your terminfo database is telling vim that your
>         terminal doesn't support color.

I don't see any 'colors#' in my infocmp output. This seems to be a problem.

> 4.  Vim must be built with a termlib that supports color.
>     -   From withing vim, execute
>             :set termcap
>         and look for the "t_Co=" value.  It should be the same as
>         the "colors#" from the terminfo database.  If the entry is
>         empty or 0, then your termlib may be broken and you may need
>         to recompile vim (if you can) with a different termlib.
>         (HP-UX 10.20 has this problem.)

t_Co is blank.

> Problems 3 and 4 can be worked around by following the instructions
> in ":help xterm-color".

I tried using "set t_Sf=<Esc>[3%p1%dm" in my vimrc file, but instead
of showing colors, it appends these characters to the keywords. For
example: <Esc>[32mvoid

thanks for your help again!

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