
I am unable to successfully use args & argdo to change many files for a
specific pattern that spans 3 lines.  The files are .htm files.

I have used set listchars=:tab>-,trail:- to reveal the tabs within the
file and have included what I take to be precisely the pattern within
the argdo statement:

argdo %s/>------>------<\/tr>^M>------>------    <td valign="middle"
height="22"><font size="1">\&nbsp;<img src="\/images\/arrowright.gif"
border=0 alt="[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]">\&nbsp;<a
href="\/What_is_New.htm">What's New?<\/a><\/font<\/td>^M//ge | update

The [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] represents 4 digits that are in each iteration
of the line but 4 digits that change from file to file.  The ^Ms are
properly expresses with at <ctrl> V <ctrl> M sequences.  

Am I missing, perhaps an end of line character?

Any suggestions on this would be appreciated as I will shortly have to
change lots and lots of files for specific patterns spanning several
lines, albeit with a unique sequence within the pattern that varies from
file to file.



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