On Mon, 17 Apr 2006 at 5:08pm, Eric Arnold wrote:

> This is because you are ignoring the "filetype" event.
> Try a "doautoall FileType" when you're done.

Thanks, this means I can use :bufdo doautocmd FileType syntax, because I
also use :windo and :argdo in place of :bufdo.

I still wonder why the subsequent opening of the buffers doesn't set
syntax just like it should while opening any buffer. There is obviously
some state that is left over from the time the buffer is loaded using
eventignore=all. I don't know which event is responsible for loading the
syntax highlighting (wasn't obvious from the files under vim directory),
but I believe that event is not getting triggered,  and I don't see a
reason why it shouldn't (since 'eventignore' is subsequently changed to
empty string). This could very well be a bug which is why I want to
understand this.


> On 4/17/06, Hari Krishna Dara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > In my script, I am running a :bufdo command with eventignore=all because
> > of two main reasons:
> > - performs better as I am not triggering any events.
> > - doesn't interfere with plugins that deal with MRU buffer lists.
> >
> > This however leaves a side effect after the command is run. All the
> > buffer go into some weird state, as when I open each of the buffers,
> > they don't show up any syntax highlighting, and I have to explicitly
> > reload each of them. This happens for all buffers individually, so it
> > sometimes becomes a pain to reload them, and this starts all over if I
> > have to run the script again. Is this behavior expected or is it a bug?
> > Can I somehow workaround this?
> >
> > Yes, I do save and restore the old value of 'eventignore' in a
> > try/finally block.
> >
> > --
> > Thank you,
> > Hari
> >
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