Alan Briolat wrote:

On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 11:51:31 +0800
Linsong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   I have tried the omni competion, it is very cool!
But there is still one thing that I think is not very convenient. For example, when I input part of a function name(foobar):
     foo|  (| is the position of the cursor)
then I invoke the omnicompletion by pressing <C-X><C-O>, consider the completion list like this: fooblah

then the strings inputed will be replaced by the first matched item(here it is fooblah). If I want to get foobar, I need to press <C-N> several times. It is not very convenient. I think it would be better like the following: After <C-X><C-O>, the inputed string will not be replaced, only the completion menu shows up, then I can choose the item that I want by pressing <C-N>; Or, I can go on to input more characters and the completion menu will update its menu items based on the new input when I input. So the items in completion menu will become less and less and it is easier to select the matched item. Inputing more characters is better than pressing <C-N> several times.

I *believe* this is the purpose of <C-X><C-O><C-P> (someone please correct me
if I am wrong...)
Yes, that is just what I mean. I need to go over the online help :)
Do you know how to make it as the default action, that is make <C-X><C-O> works like <C-X><C-O><C-P>?

Thanks a lot!


Hope I have described my idea clearly. In fact, it is not my idea, it is the design of Visual Assistant(visit for more details, there are some animations ), you can try it if you have a windows box and visual studio installed.


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