On Tue, 25 Apr 2006, Halim, Salman wrote:
Hmm.. My imap is definitely invoked (it does the save just fine; it just moves the cursor). I don't have any InsertEnter or InsertLeave autocommands, either (Vim 7f).
For me (Vim 7.0c), the Insert cursor appears to be out of place by one character only for the duration of an error message. After waiting a little while for the red error message to go away, the Insert cursor snaps back into place. To test, try to <C-o>:update a new modified buffer or a read-only buffer. The only difference between <Esc><cmd> and <C-o><cmd>gi is that with "gi", you potentially lose REPLACE mode. "gi" always brings back INSERT mode. I have asked in the past for "gi" to remember Replace mode, but it was never picked up. -- Gerald