
I am struggling with sed and gawk but I guess that it'd be possible to
employ vim in the command line (it's to make a script that will be
automatically launched every 24 hours) but I don't have any idea of
how to do it...

How could I select the blocks (see file ahead) of a text file (say
SSSS.txt) in which some particular words appear?
Imagine that I want to keep the blocks containing words like "black",
"supermassive", "red", "intermediate", "relativistic"...
 and delete the rest of blocks (and also the header and bottom of the file)

What would be the command line with vim? (or are there other possibilities?)

I would also like how to reemplace the

astro-ph/0604565 with <a href=" http://xxx.lanl.gov/pdf/astro-ph/0604565</a>

for all numbers, not only for 0604565 ...

any hint???


 Remark: What I call header is the part from " arXiv.org" at the
beginning of the file and until  "received", and the bottom is from
"For subscribe" until "(Access key information)".

What I call a "block" is from the "astro-ph/number", Title, Authors
and the tex block

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astro-ph new abstracts, Thu, 27 Apr 06 00:00:08 GMT

0604527 -- 0604550 received

   astro-ph/0604527  :
           <b>Title</b> Constraints on the Nature of Jets from kpc
Scale X-ray Data
           <b>Autors</b> D. E. Harris (SAO), H. Krawczynski
(Washington University

           in St. Louis)
           Comments: 5 pages; 3 figures; latex. This paper is based on a
           poster contribution to the meeting, ``Triggering Relativistic
           Jets'', held in Cozumel, MX at the end of March 2005 and will be
           published via a CD distributed with a special issue of Revista
           Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Serie de Conferencias, eds.
           W.H. Lee & E. Ramirez-Ruiz, 2006

           Motivated by the large number of jets detected by the Chandra
           X-ray Observatory, and by the inverse Compton X-ray emission model
           (IC/CMB) for relativistic jets, we revisit two basic questions:
           ``If the medium that carries the jet's energy consists of hot
           electrons, can we use the physical length of the jet to constrain
           the maximum electron energy?'' and ``Why do jets have knots?''
           Based on the two non-thermal emission processes for X-rays from
           jets, we consider constraints on the jet medium and other
           properties from these two simple questions. We argue that hot
           pairs cannot be the dominant constituent of the medium responsible
           for the jet's momentum flux and that some mechanisms for producing
           fluctuating brightness along jets (rather than a monotonically
           decreasing intensity) are precluded by observed jet morphologies.

   astro-ph/0604528  :
           <b>Title</b> Minimal Noncanonical Cosmologies
           <b>Autors</b> Gabriela Barenboim, Joseph D. Lykken
           Comments: 20 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables

           We demonstrate how much it is possible to deviate from the
           standard cosmological paradigm of inflation-assisted LambdaCDM,
           keeping within current observational constraints, and without
           adding to or modifying any theoretical assumptions. We show that
           within a minimal framework there are many new possibilities, some
           of them wildly different from the standard picture. We present
           three illustrative examples of new models, described
           phenomenologically by a noncanonical scalar field coupled to
           radiation and matter. These models have interesting implications
           for inflation, quintessence, reheating, electroweak baryogenesis,
           and the relic densities of WIMPs and other exotics.

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