Eric Arnold wrote:

On 4/20/06, Bram Moolenaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Eric Arnold wrote:

Certain things seem to cause Vim7 to do go into some odd loop when the
mouse moves the cursor into a different window.  So far I've seen it

1) I've got the command line edit window open, and the mouse moves the
cursor to another window (usually happens when I switch away from Vim
and back).  Something is flashing non-stop in the lower right of the
command line (probably some mouse string, but it's a bunch of
unreadable chars).  The input focus doesn't actually change away from
the command edit window (typing stuff goes there).
In what way does "the mouse moves the cursor to another window"?  Do you
mean you click there?

Yes, I mean that I do something that moves the mouse, either inside
Gvim, or moving to another MSwin application and back.  I don't have
to *click* in another window, as I have 'mousefocus' on.

2) when I have "tabline" set to my own function, it interacts with
"taglist" and other specialized buffers (which have non-standard
autocommands, among other things).

Sometimes <C-C> will stop the looping until the mouse moves the cursor agai=

It might have something to do with the way Vim is re-setting the
cursor position to the lower right of the screen sometimes, even
though the input focus remains in the correct window.
Does this only happen when you have a taglist window open?

No, but it goes particularly wild when I do.  Otherwise, I get
occasional flickers of odd [mouse input?] chars in the lower right
(where it displays Normal commands in progress), and it takes several
seconds to deliver focus to the window the mouse is moved to. Sometimes the mouse warps to the lower right of the screen regardless
of what window I move the mouse to.  (This stuff happens without
having the command line edit window open.)

I'm wondering if part of this is related to the problem discussed
earlier where the "tabline" function gets called too often (with
respect to the constant flow of spurious input, though the spurious
mouse warping doesn't seem related).

Note that when the command line window is open, the cursor is not
allowed to go to another window.  You must finish typing the command
first.  If it does go to another window there is a problem that needs to
be fixed.

No, it doesn't go to another window, but it does get that constant
stream of spurious Normal (??) input as long as the mouse isn't
positioned over the command line window.

Is this in GUI or console Vim?

GUI, MSWin.  The xterm I'm using doesn't have any focus
differentiation between Vim windows inside VIm.

Netrw used to use FocusGained with both Windows and Linux/Unix to support slow-browsing (ie. refreshing all local browser displays). However, when one had two browser windows open and vim lost focus and then regained it (under Windows, NOT Linux/Unix), the two began constantly refreshing (ie. flashing). I removed FocusGained from
the Windows test.

Perhaps this is related?

BTW, I'm looking for those paper cups that Bram mentioned...

Chip Campbell

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