
On 4/28/06, Justin Randall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I would like to know if there is an easy way to fix the placement of { } 
brackets in vim
so that they fall two or three spaces intented. For example in a C++ file I'm 
working on, I have:

if (pExample != NULL)
    // code here

What I would like is to have the brackets indented from the edge of the page 2 
or 3
spaces.  Such as:

if (pExample != NULL)
    // code here

Any ideas as to how I can achieve this?

You can add the "{N" flag to the 'cinoptions'  to do this:

   :set cinoptions+={2

For more information about this, read

  :help cinoptions-values

- Yegappan

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