On Sat, Apr 29, 2006 at 12:11:29PM -0700, Chen Long wrote:
> Thank you. I tried them. Only the command for colorscheme doesn't  
> work. After I start Vim, I can change the color scheme by typing
> :colorscheme darkblue
> But if I put it into .vimrc. It doesn't work.
> Long

     It is confusing to mix top- and bottom-replies on an established
thread.  If you strongly prefer top-reply, please edit the existing
message first to make it consistent.

     In what sense does it not work?  Is there no effect at all, or do
you not like the way it looks?  If there is no effect, check the output


to see what is going on.  If you do  not like how it looks, please
describe it:  for example, what does

:hi Normal


HTH                                     --Benji Fisher

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