On 4/30/06, Benji Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sat, Apr 29, 2006 at 04:11:21PM -0600, Eric Arnold wrote:
> >> :set selection=exclusive
> >>
> >> Use this text:
> >>
> >> 123456
> >> 2abcde
> >> 3abcde
> >> 4abcde
> >> 5abcde
> >>
> >> Go to line 4, col 2.  Hit ^V or (^Q whichever works).  Type kkll
> >> until you've highlighted
> >> abc
> >> abc
> >> abc
> >>
> >> Type <ESC>
> >>
> >> For me, now the cursor is on "c", and `< and `>  go to "a" and "c".
> >>
> >> Now start at line 2, col 2 and highlight the same 3x3 square, and type
> >> <ESC>.
> >>
> >> Now the cursor is on "d", and `< and `> go to "a" and "d".
> >>
> >> If it doesn't do this, try starting at the other corners.  Sometimes I
> >> *think* I've had it work differently, but I can't remember exactly
> >> what the conditions were.

     If you want to determine the selected text from a script, I guess
the answer is that you should exclude the character at `> if

&selection == "exclusive" && col("'>") > col("'<")

That's the problem, you don't know when to exclude the character,
because "exclusive" mode includes the character when selected from
certain directions.

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