On Mon, 1 May 2006, James Vega wrote:

On Mon, May 01, 2006 at 06:45:24PM +0530, jagpreet wrote:
Furthermore if I close(:q), either of the files and switch to another file
by selecting it from the buffer window it opens the files in black and
white("vi ") mode, like syntax off commend is given.

This is a documented problem with MiniBufExpl and there is a variable
you can let to attempt to fix this.  If you read the notes at the top of
MiniBufExpl.vim, you should find the information you need.  You may find
bufexplorer.vim to be less intrusive and easier to use.  That's what I
switched to after getting frustrated with MiniBufExpl.vim.

I've made modifications to MiniBufExpl that dealt with this problem. I'm
not sure if it would work for you, but you can try this:

Find the lines

  autocmd MiniBufExplorer BufDelete   * call <SID>DEBUG('-=> BufDelete AutoCmd', 10) |call 
  autocmd MiniBufExplorer BufEnter    * call <SID>DEBUG('-=> BufEnter  AutoCmd', 10) 
|call <SID>AutoUpdate(-1)

and change them to

  autocmd MiniBufExplorer BufDelete   * call <SID>DEBUG('-=> BufDelete AutoCmd', 10) |call 
<SID>AutoUpdate(expand('<abuf>')) |filetype detect
  autocmd MiniBufExplorer BufWinEnter * call <SID>DEBUG('-=> BufWinEnter  AutoCmd', 
10) |call <SID>AutoUpdate(-1)

HTH :)

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