I have saved the following in a file:

> I can't give you any Mac-specific advice, since I don't use them, but
> I can give you a general run-down.
> 1. You need to have the right locale settings.  Your locale should be
> set to something similar to this:
>   $ locale
>   LANG=en_US.UTF-8


The above was posted on the mutt mailing list and has '> ' in col. 1-2
and I would have liked to get rid of these two characters.

What would be the best approach to have vim do this for me?

I tried setting shiftwidth=2 followed by as visual select of the entire
buffer + '<' or '<<' but vim does not do anything. I suspect he is just
being nice and refusing to shift the selected block to the left because
columns 1-2 contain stuff that is not white space and therefore might be
important.. :-)

So, is there any command that tells vim to shift left no matter what..
or should I use some regexp-driven substitute command to replace all
greater-than characters followed by a space in column one by // (void)?

Any idea?



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